Thursday, September 27, 2007

Be A Friend

Be A Friend

Follow your dreams and chase the stars.Dance with the moon and be who you are.Uncover the veil that prevents you to see.Open your heart to all you can be.

Some days will be happy while others are sad.Hold on to your faith, take the good with the bad.Count, in your life, all the blessings you should.Make sure that your love is well understood.

Be a friend to a stranger who hold out their hand.Show compassion and kindness so they'll understandThat your willing and able to offer them hope.Do all that you're able to assist a friend cope.

When you lift up the spirit of a person in needAnd show that you love them by doing kind deeds,They will never forget how you offered them lightAnd gave ear and attention as they spoke of their plight.

There will not be a day that passes you by,To help make a difference without asking why.Each act of love and compassion we shareWill spread through the world, showing others we care.


Anonymous said...

true.. like the flow.. keep writing more.. what kinda posts are you planning on this blog?

Compassion Unlimitted said...

Hi Joy,
You are doing great..keep blogging .it makes one feel light
God Bless


Joy said...

Hi Mr.X,

I dont plan any blog.I just post what inspires me.Thanks for your vist.

Take care

Joy said...

Hi CU,

Thanks alot.Take care.